Bedtime routine, can you share?
My bedtime routine has changed a lot since having my daughter Parker five months ago. So much so, there isn’t much of a routine these days! I always try and have a bath before bed to wind down from the day and sleep in something chic but comfy.

Do you feel your style has changed since becoming a mother?
One hundred percent! I’m all about comfort and versatility now and look for outfits that can go from day to night, home to work and back. I haven’t got the luxury of time these days.

(Left to right)
Nadia in the Silk Pyjama With Contrast Piping - Black, Caroline in the Silk Chemise - India Ink
Is there any advice you can share with our readers who are expecting?
Being a new mum is all about the daily highs and lows – it’s the ultimate gift and the ultimate sacrifice. I’m not sure any advice can prepare you for the life-changing experience of having a baby, I feel like everything has changed but now we’re getting in to the swing of it, our old life is still there – we just involve little Parker every step of the way.

(Clockwise from top)
Lou in the Silk Nite - India Ink/Black Lace, Montarna in the Nite - Cloud Pink/Canyon Rose, Olivia in the Washable Silk Tee & Shorts - Burnt Olive
Balancing motherhood and owning your own business must be tricky, what inspired you to start your own company?
I’d been in the PR industry since my late teens, working part time for Sydney agencies while studying for my Bachelor of Media Communications. After some amazing positions and career-defining experiences I had my ‘its now or never’ moment in 2014 and launched The Audience Agency. Six years down the line and we’re evolving all the time in response to the rollercoaster comms industry and continuing to land incredible projects and clients. Our talented team and creative portfolio keep me motivated, and as a sleep-deprived mum, it’s coffee that’s currently keeping me going!

Finally, you mentioned sleeping chic, what is your favourite GINIA piece?
It’s so hard to choose just one favourite but if I had to pick, it would be the silk v-neck long nightie in black, It’s such a versatile piece on high rotation in my wardrobe.